EMPTY SL0T wrote:Sniper rifle head shots are pretty much luck, -- that or you have some noob standing perfectly still looking at the map.
At the range you are at when you zoom in, your view area (scope) is either very small and the target moves out of the scope very, very, very quickly (before you can get a shot off), or else you are far enough away that you tend to be trying to hit a single pixel for a head shot If you aren't far enough away, 29 out of 30 times there is some obstruction between you and any targets.
Yeah, I love sitting around a whole game waiting to have maybe 1 or 2 shots at any target. That does happen some games since the changes. Boring!
You guys that are bitching about snipers haven't trained one up and tried it.
If CCP doesn't want snipers in the game, just delete them.
I haven't played in several weeks because, like I said, it just isn't that much fun any more. Some of you don't care about that. Fine. If CCP doesn't care if it looses its players who like to snipe, so be it. I've played since early beta, so may be it's time to go.

Is there some luck to Head shots? yes. But I would say skill > luck in this instance. Now, the idiot standing totally still? Everyone knows they deserve to get Gallaghered (+1 to anyone who gets that reference)
As for range, I am going to kindly disagree. Most of my sniping is around 100-200 meters. I am far enough away I don't have the uber speed where I can't keep up, but am close enough the enemy still is a decent size in my scope so I can aim for the head if I want to. As for obstruction, that is where picking and choosing your location comes into play.
Like my last comment, if you are sitting around the whole game waiting for 1 or 2 shots, that is location. You need to move into a place where you will have more of an opportunity to help your team. Yes, this means leaving the readline and making yourself vulnerable to being shot back.
Also, if the targets are that limited, why are you sitting in one place for an entire match? Get up, stretch your legs, and move around. Moving around and finding new locations is fairly essential if you want to really contribute (unless you are like SymbioticForks, but I am going to bet all my ISK you aren't, because there are only 3 or 4 snipers in the game at his level)
There is a difference between bitching about snipers in general, which I haven't really seen on this thread, and bitching about redline camping, stagnant, not contributing to the team Snipers, which is what you have basically described as your playstyle.